At this meeting, the PC planned for the last word in retro, Drive-in movie theaters. Michigan has perhaps six Drive-In theaters left. At the peak of large car culture, 1972, there were 137. Below are links to more information about Michigan's Drive-In past:
- Pure Michigan: Six Places to Catch a Drive-In Movie in Michigan
- Dearborn's Ford Road Drive-In website
- Coldwater's Capri Drive-In website
- Water Winter Wonderland's Guide to all the Drive-Ins that have ever been
- Drive-In Movies dotcom's webpage describing the ten Drive-Ins then remaining. Four of those are now closed.
- Watch the meeting with our 11-2-1016 Northfield Township Planning Commission meeting LiveAgenda
- 11-2-2-16 Northfield Township Planning Commission meeting Agenda
- 11-2-2-16 Northfield Township Planning Commission meeting Packet