On tonight's Board Agenda,
- Township Citizens hit with whopping FOIA fees,
- Another lowball offer for 75 Barker Road
- Parks & Rec appointments
- Discussion with residents of Non-Motorized Path Easements?
The June 9, 2015 change in FOIA policy was discussed in our report, R.I.P. Township Transparency
What do we have a problem with? Manipulation, Information hoarding, deception by omission, deception by answering questions in the narrowest possible way, deliberately dancing around the unspoken questions unasked by an uncurious Board.
Since we're on the subject of political deception... a recent article in Nature-Neuroscience explored and partially explained the connection between lying in small ways to lying in big ways. The Brain Adapts to Dishonesty is the original Journal submission. How Telling Small Lies Can Make You Stop Caring About Big Ones is the explainer which appeared in the October 24, 2016 Huffington Post.
Meeting Documents:
- 10-25-2016-Northfield-Township-Board-of-Trustees-meeting-Agenda
- 10-25-2016-Northfield-Township-Board-of-Trustees-meeting-Packet
- Watch the meeting live on Livestream
- After the meeting, we will post a LiveAgenda so you can watch only the Agenda Items that interest you.
This is the Northfield Township Fire Department's new flag. This flag was donated by the family of beloved Township Business owner, Val Dresser.