Peoples Express vehicles

"The contract signed with People's Express feels like pennies when you take into consideration all they do," said Green Oak Township Supervisor Mark St. Charles.  "It really shines when it comes to helping people who are on their own and don’t have a relative or friend to get them to work or a medical appointment."  (from a 2016 interview by WHMI)


[Opinion by Jim Nelson: What a contrast that is to Trustee Beliger's carping about the small $6000 property tax break given People's Express.  She complained not once but three times on the eve of the Board's 5:2 vote in favor of granting People's Express its Pauper's Pence of a subsidy.

Beliger's second complaintBeliger's third complaint.

This uncomfortable glimpse into the cold hearts of our local Tax Hating Tea Party was illuminated by the $14,000 LED lighting fixtures installed by former Township Mis-Manager Howard Fink, in the Board's $60,000 Boardroom, and under the gaze of Fink's $100,000 replacement, Steven Aynes.   The need for Manager Aynes was a profligacy championed loudly by both Tea Party Trustees Beliger and Dockett.   In the Bizarro world of the Northfield Township Tea Party, apparently, more government bureaucracy and the higher spending necessary to fund it is a good thing.   Hypocrites!

The People's Express subsidy was also the favorite political football of the previous Board.

End of opinion.]

What else happened at this meeting?


In answer to Trustee Dockett's question, Township Treasurer Zelenock revealed that the Fund Balance at the end of the 2016-2017 Fiscal Year had fallen to 43%, half of the 85% level required by Board Policy and about 1/3 of the level it had reached due to Boards preceding the Tax and Deplete era of Manager Howard Fink.

More to come...

August 29, 2017 Northfield Township Board of Trustees meeting LiveAgenda







At the July 25th Board meeting, Jacki Otto forwarded the insinuation that I, Jim Nelson, had profited from the video edited and posted to our YouTube account, VideoNorthfield.   She did so in her best crude innuendo "style" in a July 19, 2017 letter which was included in the meeting packet.

Ottos Concern 2017 07 19 800w173h

 While it is not unusual for Jacki Otto to base her public statements and decisions on shallow and superficial understanding, it is unusual for her misstatements to be so readily refuted.  Usually she's a bit slyer.

Here's the view count for VideoNorthfield.  The viewcount is the aggregate number of times videos have been viewed since we began posting them to YouTube.  The following two screenshots were taken on August 15, 2017.  The meeting videos have garnered a grand total of 4150 views:

VideoNorthfield 4150 Views Total 360w151h 

As you can see from the next screenshot, YouTube doesn't allow you to begin allowing advertising until you've had 10,000 views.  As you can also see, the VideoNorthfield Account has never been set up for advertising anyway.

VideoNorthfield YouTube Minimum of 10000 360w317h

On July 25th, when confronted with the falseness of her accusation, Otto smirked it off with her best tough guy bluster, "I stand by what I said."

[Editorial Content]

Something to remember the next time you're impressed by Jacki Otto's confident arrogance:

Underpinning her arrogance is an equally confident ignorance. 

[/End of Editorial Content] 



So, what happened at the meeting?

Responding to questions from Trustees Beliger and Dockett, Treasurer Zelenock confirmed that the General Fund balance had closed the 2016-2017 fiscal year at 43%.  That's half the 85% level required by Board policy, which has never been amended.  That 85% level was itself a cash grab by fled Township Manager Howard Fink. Prior to Mr. Fink's brief residence in Northfield Township, the Rainy Day Fund had been built up to a level of 125%.   (Watch the discussion here.)

Another aspect of the previous Board's incompetent management of Fink surfaced in the latest Supervisor's Report.  Northfield Township had paid $16,500 in unnecessary sales taxes on its purchases of Electricity from Fink's hand picked electricity reseller.  Supervisor Chockley identified the issue and arranged for the refund.  This was a nice follow through from Supervisor Chockley's identification of the too high prices the Township had been paying for natural gas from Fink's hand picked Natural Gas reseller.

Even the notion that resellers could sell electricity or gas cheaper than the utilities whose electricity and gas they were "reselling" is idiotic and defies logic, but Fink was good at that. Trustees Otto and Chick and the rest of the previous board went along uncritically. (Because going along is easier than thinking.) 

Local Boy Scout Troup Leaders were publiclly grilled for almost fifteen minutes over a proposed use of 75 Barker Road.  They were brought before the Board by Trustee Otto.  Why weren't these questions asked and answered in advance?

Tetra Tech Engineer Brian Ruebel showed up and took more grief and abuse over his proposal to re-examine the cost of providing new sewer system connections.  The proposed $6 Million in sewer system expansion and accumulator tank costs will result in a rise in both current and deferred and future costs.  

Manager Steven Aynes recommended that the Board immediately raise the cost of new connections to the level recommended by Tetra Tech in their 2014 study.  Details in the the packet break out, below.  The Board spproved an immediate connection fee increase but did not approve the new Tetra Tech study.  That will be further studied.  A study of studies.  

In a virtuoso display of cluelessness, Jacki Otto averred that the previous Board had ignored the necessity of connection fee increases because no one was connecting.  They left the Township's WWTP a sitting duck, with connection fees that covered neither the current costs of connecting to nor the incremental increase in burden upon the Sewer plant.  It also left nothing in the treasury to pay for the inevitable repairs and replacement.  So what was the plan - to lose a little on every sale but make up for it in volume, as the old joke goes?

After the votes, Ruebel walked out, barely saying goodbye, another evening of having his motives and credibility insulted having run its natural Northfield course.  Some ugly stuff gets said to that guy.  

Supervisor Chockley brought forward the existing Dog Park Lease Agreement between Northfield Township and the property owner, the Whitmore Lake School District.  It turns out that Northfield Township is legally obligated to clean up the dog poop.  If The Township doesn't the School District can hire it done and force the Township to foot the bill.  

Forgotten in this discussion was the promise of only weeks ago by our Hydra Headed micro manager, Janet-n-Jacki, to personally pony up the $500 yearly cost.  

  • When I have time, I'll make a LiveVideo link to the touching moments and meeting where they said it.

Discussion of the Fire Truck purchase was tabled due to a problematic sales contract, issues raised by Township Attorney Paul Burns.

The Board approved the interim promotion of Police Sergeant Smith to Lieutenant.  The Board approved hiring retired State Police Trooper Christopher Pascoe by the Northfield Township Police Department.  I apologize if I have his rank incorrect.

Jacki Otto added the final Agenda item at the beginning of this meeting.  Due to "additional information" provided at the last Board Meeting, it is now recognized that the meeting videographer function is better treated as a contractor position.  The Board approved making both Lisa Lemble's meeting recorder position and the meeting videographer function, contractor slots.  They directed Township Attorney Paul Burns to draw up proposed contracts.  


Watch the Agenda Items you actually want to see later using our  


Meeting Documents, broken out individually from the gigantic Township packet

Check Disbursement Report, 8-10-2017
Revenue and Expenditure Reports 2017-07-31
Invoice General Ledger Report 2017-08-10
Fund Balance Bar Charts 2017-07-31
Fund Balance Reports 2017-07-31
Funds Balance Report 8-9-2017
Investment Update 2017-08-10
Donations Report 8-10-2017

Supervisor's Report, 2017-08-11
Amy Sholl letter re downtown, 8-3-2017
Bark Park Lease Agreement, 8-10-2017
Code Enforcement Report, 8-9-2017
Zoning Administrators Report 2017-07-11

Public Safety Report, July 2017
FD Memo - Fire Truck Purchase 2017-07-11
FD Report, July, 2017
PD Memo - Hiring of Christopher Pascoe 2017-08-10
PD Memo - Temporary Interim Promotion of Sgt Smith 2017-08-10
PD Report July 2017

Proposed Regular Meeting Calendar
Tetra Tech Rate Study Proposal, 2017-08-04
WWTP Report July 2017

2017-07-11 Northfield Township Board meeting Minutes draft
2017-07-25 Northfield Township Board 630PM Closed meeting Minutes draft
2017-07-25 Northfield Township Board meeting Minute drafts

2017-08-15-Northfield-Township-Board-of-Trustees-meeting-Packet ocr [ 7.5 MB dwnload]
2017-08-15-Northfield-Township-Board-of-Trustees-meeting-Packet  [The original download - 17 MB ]


Township Planner Patrick Sloan announced his replacement by Paul Lippens.   This was a unilateral decison by McKenna Associates, the Planning Firm with whom Northfield Township contracted in February, 2016.

Watch the parts of the meeting you want to watch using our

7-19-2017 Northfield Township Planning Commission meeting LiveAgenda


Meeting Documents:

7-19-20177 Northfield Township Planning Commission meeting Agenda

7-19-2017 Northfield Township Planning Commission meeting Packet



The low point of the meeting could have been Jacki Otto's sneering dismissal of the interest Township Employees expressed in their salaries.  

But she topped that.  The low point was Otto's bid to save five hundred big bucks by making Northfield Township's dog park the only dog park in North America - and possibly on earth - the only dog park without a trash can for dog waste.  She claimed that she always carries her dog waste home with her, and sometimes the dog waste left by other dogs.  

The high point of the meeting was the first public appearance of Northfield Township's new Controller, Yvette Patrick.  This skilled and highly qualified individual came highly recommended.  Her hiring marks a sea change in the complexion of Northfield Township's hiring practices.  You can thank Supervisor Marlene Chockley and Treasurer Lenore Zelenock for that.  

It was only last year that Manager Howard Fink refused to remove racist dog whistle literature from the Township Offices.  It was only last year that the Township Board was informed of the presence of this hate speech and that this hate speech was being distributed in the lobby of the Township Offices.  The Board, including Jacki Otto and Janet Chick, apparently saw nothing wrong with racist hate speech when oh-so-cleverly encoded in the form of dog whistle rhetoric.  [Hate in High Resolution: 900kb] Or at minimum, lacked the courage to say anything.  So they did nothing.  The offensive literature remained available, in public view, as the public face of Northfield Township.  Even today, Trustee Jacki Otto lauds the hate speech writer's "great work" on the ZBA.


Yvette Patrick seated pic8 800w488h

The documents below are those contained in the meeting packet.  As anyone who has ever watched Trustee Dockett struggle to find documents during a meeting knows, the packet is unindexed and impossible to navigate.  So we have pulled out the individual documents and converted them into text, searchable, copyable, cut'n'pastable text and spreadsheets.  


What's hidden in this huge stash of documents?  

  • The Budget amendment which codifies the ugliness of the 4:3 Board Split and the venality of Jacki Otto's personal Agenda.  
  • As the result of the public Board vote to place Northfield Police Lt Greene on unpaid leave following June 27th closed door deliberations, the Township will very probably spend $10,000 - $50,000 defending itself against a lawsuit.  (The beginnings of that process, a grievance, are mentioned in the Public Safety Report)

Watch individual Agenda items, jump straight to them using our LiveAgendas:

Watch this meeting the old fashioned way, beginning to end, with multiple camera points of view, on VideoNorthfield:

Meeting Documents - extracted from the packet, rotated upright as needed and turned into searchable text