You can read and download the 2012 Master Plan here:
- 6/17/2013 - FINAL 2012 Master Plan, Carlisle Wortmann's work (This is a 40MB pdf)
Or you can view it online here, on Slideshare.
- Future Land Use planning: p39 (slide 49)
- Farmland Classification Map: p68 (slide 78)
- The School District Map: p70 (slide 80)
- Planning Fair comments on the Master Planning Process: p73 (slide 83)
- Results of the 2010 Community Survey: p91 (slide 101)
On page 39 you will find Southwest Sub-Area 3 - where Biltmore has its 9 optioned parcels.
For this area, here are the "Development Strategies" (some partial quotes, some complete):
- Preserve open space, woodlands and natural features....
- Preserve remaining farmland as active farms...
- ...require clustered development....implementing policies regarding tree preservation...
- Direct non-agricultural uses away from the areas...ideally situated and conditions for agriculture.
- Discourage extensions of public sewer service...
- Establish programs that maintain the viability of agricultural products....
- Preserve open space and natural features....
- Ensure that new residential development is compatible in density and character with existing residences and neighborhoods in the immediate area. (complete)
- Allow for a mix of service, office & residential in the northwest corner (by WLHS, not at Joy Road)
- Coordinate with state & Washtenaw county for farmland preservation. (complete)
- Coordinate with Washtenaw county for parkland and open space acquisition and development (complete).
So there you have it. Preservation, not development.
That's the vision.
How does Biltmore fit in? It doesn't.