"Before expanding the water treatment facility the Brighton Township Board wants to look at other options. Of the three townships in the Livingston Community Water Authority, Brighton Township is the only one using over its capacity. Green Oak and Hamburg have yet to reach their limits, so the LCWA is looking to have Brighton Township take on adding two new filters to the existing plant. Consultant Vicki Putala told the board two new filters will put the current plant at eight filters, and any more will require a new plant. The township still owes nearly $67,500 for the construction of the water treatment plant in 2007. Township Supervisor Tom Murphy says there are too many unanswered questions. The board of trustees needs more complete financial numbers though before committing to a decision. Murphy says he doesn’t think two new filters will be enough. He says the LCWA wants to know if Brighton Township will pick up the extra capacity, but the he wants to know if there is a plan in place for future growth. He wants to get the questions answered now before making a commitment. Murphy says major development in either Brighton Township or Green Oak would mean having to build a new plant. They are also exploring purchasing unused REUs from Hamburg Township."
Related documents:
About the Green Oak Township Water Reliability Study - OHM (begins on page 14)
The Minutes of the Joint Brighton/Green Oak/Hamburg Township meeting where the Livingston Community Water Authority Treatment Plant ceme into being. December 5, 2006
The LWCA website.