Meeting Documents:
2018-01-09 Northfield Township Board of Trustees Meeting Agenda.pdf
2018-01-09 FD memo new hire.pdf
2018-01-09 FD Report Fire Prevention Activity 2017-12.pdf
2018-01-09 FD Report Statistical Report 2017-12.pdf
2018-01-09 PD Report for 12-2017.pdf
2018-01-09 Public Safety Report.pdf
2017-12-31 Treasurer Financial Report.pdf
2017-12-31 Treasurer Fund Balance Reports.pdf
2018-01-09 North Village Expenditures report.pdf
2018-01-09 Controller's Revised Amendment Schedule.pdf
2018-01-09 WWTP Report for 12-2017.pdf
2018-01-04 Land Preservation Committee Report.pdf
2018-01-04 Manager's Memo - 2nd Floor Lease.pdf
2018-01-04 Manager's Memo - Community Center Easements.pdf
2018-01-04 Otto's memo - Independent Contractor Agreement.pdf
2018-01-09 Kiwanis Rummage Sale storefront at 75 Barker request.pdf
2018-01-09 PC Zoning Amendment Open and Unroofed Terraces.pdf
2018-01-09 Supervisor memo -DDA takeover of 75 Barker memo.pdf
Planner 2018-01-09 Zoning Compliance report for 12-2017.pdf
ZBA Appointment applications 2018-01-04.pdf
2018-01-04 McKenna Status General Planning Budget Request North Village RFP Budget.pdf
2017-12-12 Northfield Township Board of Trustees Meeting minutes Draft.pdf
2018-01-09 Northfield Township Board of Trustees Meeting Packet.pdf ( this is the original non searchable version distributed on the Township Website.)