Watch the meeting on Youtube with the 4-26-2016 Northfield Township Board of Trustees meeting LiveAgenda
This is the lake access portion of the Van Curler property. Saying it was hard to visualize its actual extent, at the 4-26 meeting Wayne Dockett asked to have this part of the Van Curler acquisition surveyed and staked so that people and Boardmembers would have a better idea of what they were committing $329,000 in tax dollars to buying. The Board refused to consider the Motion.
Anyway, this is what Dockett called a "sliver of land." It is about 223 feet long on the lake side. It is slightly deeper than Wayne Dockett's remembrance. Not measuring the area inside the Main Street right of way, the north end of Van Curler Beach is about 23 feet wide. At the south end, it's about 61 feet wide. The area outside the right of way totals about 1/4 acre.
Mouse over the map to view a larger version of this image.
The aerial photography, plat boundaries, and road easement boundaries were provided by eWashtenaw.