Meeting Report:
At their 10-21-2015 meeting, the PC voted to send Biltmore a letter offering the full range of development options available in the current Master Plan. There would be no revision of the Master Plan as a consequence of Biltmore's 2014 request.
[Update 3-1-2016] At the 2-17-2016 Planning Commission meeting we were told that this letter was meaningless and that the entire planning process would have to be revisited.
The Cobalt survey arose from the dead.
Two other issues were discussed during this meeting. An exhaust system manufacturer is considering locating in the Research, Technology, and Manufacturing (RTM) district, according to Planner DuMouchel. The company's name, Arvin Sangyo, did not surface until February. In a probably related issue, a zoning use change was requested to allow permit a larger manufacturing footprint in the RTM district.
Watch using the October 21, 2015 Northfield Township Planning Commission LiveAgenda
More detail in the October 21, 2015 Northfield Township Planning Commission LiveMeetingMinutes
Meeting Preview
Headlining this meeting, Commissioner Dignan will propose that the Planning Commission formally invite Biltmore to develop using the tools available in the current Master Plan.
What's available in the current Master Plan? Ex-Planner Doug Lewan explained in his March 4th presentation: Options for developing an 80 acre parcel.
Dignan Proposal, page 2 of the meeting packet
On a related note, on this Agenda is a discussion of "specific points to be investigated in preparation for a November discussion about changing lot area standards in areas currently zoned Agricultural."
Finally, here is the repaired LiveTranscript of the October 7th PC meltdown. This meeting included a fairly disturbing discussion about revising the PC Bylaws so that less than six commissioner votes would be required to change the Master Plan.
- Click here to view or download Dignan's Proposal
- Click here to watch the meeting using our LiveAgenda
- Click here to view or download the Meeting Agenda
- Click here to view or download the Meeting Packet
- Click here to watch the entire meeting on Livestream