Conspicuously absent were Planning Commissioners Sam Iaquinto, Mark Stanalajczo and Ken Dignan, all members of the "Grow Baby Grow" camp. Although they gave notice that they wouldn't attend, no reason was given to PC Chair Marlene Chockley.
Thanks again to all those who attended.
(Video of Kris Olsson's presentation and the Q&A session is below. Also the downloadable Powerpoint)
This is the Powerpoint slideshow Kris used for her talk. You can view it here or click through to the host site, where you can view it full screen. The controls are straightforward. The right arrow advances you through the slideshow. The weird character on the bottom right takes you to the site where this powerpoint is hosted. At that site, clicking the back-to-back-arrow icon makes the presentation full screen. The escape key backs you out of full screen. Or you can download the powerpoint here. (14MB)
Here's the Livestream of Kris Olsson's presentation edited together with the original powerpoint slides and much cleaner audio. Enjoy this wonderful event! ...... According to comments under the Livestream posting, the question and answer session which followed the presentation may be reposted later in a separate video. You can watch the entire meeting & workshop, including Public comments from your neighbors, on Livestream.
Following the presentation, Kris answered questions for about ten minutes. This is that.
For the sake of completeness, we posted the HRWC presentation on Youtube. It's in HD, if you choose. Here is the direct link..
This public input to the Master Planning process was more important than you realize. At least one Planning Commissioner, Mark Stanalajczo, has publicly stated that he sees no need for any public role beyond that of filling out the upcoming community survey. Here's a short Youtube clip of him saying exactly that at the March 4, 2015 planning commission meeting.
Here's the Youtube URL. Feel free to pass it around.
Since we're on the subject of water resources, please read this. A new U.S. Geological Survey study demonstrates the deadly impact of asphalt sealant runoff on fish. The research proves that application guidelines do not prevent the fish kill. The full journal article can be downloaded here.
A huge swath of Northfield Township drains into Horseshoe Lake and into the Huron River. Some drains into Whitmore Lake. Here is the HRWC report on Horseshoe Creek's "Creekshed." Here is the 2007 Huron Chain of Lakes Watershed Management Plan.
But who cares? Asphalt is mother's milk to the Asphalt Addicts. [Cue the cliches] Asphalt means business. Asphalt means progress. Asphalt means success.
Links: Wednesday, May 20th: Planning Commission Green Workshop
Click to watch the Meeting on Livestream
Click to download the Meeting Agenda
Click to download the Meeting Packet
Click to download the Meeting Minutes (when available)
The Huron River Watershed Council website.
The workshop invitation is downloadable here as a pdf
The powerpoint slideshow is downloadable here (14MB)
Planning Commission Chairperson Marlene Chockley's meeting invitation:
Next Wednesday, May 20, at our 7 PM meeting, we are having a workshop led by the Huron River Watershed Council to map green infrastructure in the township. This map will be a useful tool as we evaluate the current Master Plan and consider if and where any changes might be warranted for the next revision. We invite you to attend the meeting and participate. We value you and your knowledge of the township’s natural areas. Please RSVP to Kris Olsson at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 734-769-5123 x607 to let her know you will attend.