- From the MDOT news and information page:
Between approximately March and August, M-14 will be closed between Main Street and the Miller Road/Maple Road interchange, with a detour posted. Through-access will not be available along this section of M-14 during the closure. The posted detour will include US-23, I-94 and M-14.
November 23, 2015 -- Starting in spring 2016, road and bridge repairs will take place on M-14 between I-94 and US-23 in Ann Arbor. Construction includes concrete pavement patching between I-94 and the Huron River, and resurfacing between the Huron River and the US-23/M-14 interchange. In addition, bridge work will take place at the following:
- Over the Huron River, Bandemer Park and the railroad.
- At Beechwood Drive, Newport Road, Maple Road, and Miller Road.
During construction, one lane of M-14 will be open between the US-23/M-14 interchange and US-23 Business Route (Main Street). Access to Main Street will be maintained at all times. In addition, access to the Miller Road/Maple Road interchange will be maintained.
The MDOT announcement included a reference to an M-14 project webpage at www.michigan.gov/m14close. As of December 26, 2015, that web page does not yet exist. In addition, MDOT announced a project toll-free information number, 1-855-325-4856, that residents and motorists can call during weekday hours.
[New 12/26/2015]
The M-14/Barton Drive interchange was built about fifty years ago as a temporary stand-in for a Huron Parkway to M-14 connection. The Huron Parkway connection never happened so we're stuck with a poor interchange.
In 2005-6, Ann Arbor published an M-14/Barton Drive Interchange Analysis. It comprises chapter 3 of the Northeast Ann Arbor Transportation Plan (NEATP). About two dozen alternatives were investigated, including doing nothing. Doing nothing is what they did and what they're still doing.
FYI: The 1964 Huron Parkway foundational document. Map of the Southern Huron Parkway Map of the Northern Huron Parkway. At the time there was also floated a plan to turn Geddes Road into a four lane highway connecting US-23 to the proposed Huron Parkway.
Today the Huron Parkway dead ends at a tiny Nixon Road traffic circle.