Yesterday's data (9/10/2021) New Cases: 145,081 Deaths: 1,926
The malevolent eyes? That's your 7th District Congressman, Tim Walberg.
He's earned infamy for sneering at vaccines and masks. @RepWalberg on Twitter.
9/2/2021 Florida remains out of control. And remains the only state with daily COVID deaths higher than all previous waves. Over 2000 deaths in 10 days, by Vincent Rajkumar, Twitter, Financial Times
8/27/2021 Florida COVID update: 901 added deaths, largest single-day increase in pandemic history, by DEVOUN CETOUTE, Miami Herald
"We have negative ICU beds & that’s never happened before.
Alabama has 40 more ICU patients than we have ICU beds...
people are receiving ICU care in a hallway or in an ER."
- WYFF NEWS, Greenville, South Carolina
Stutt's Facebook, August 13, 2021:
"Listen to me please: I am making a decision to go on a ventilator. This is my OWN decision.
I trust God to keep me. I ask you to trust Him, too. He IS ABLE, right?
My faith is strong that I will come through this. May be days or weeks,
but God IS in CONTROL!
Patty, I LOVE YOU! Pressley 3, Bart, Cavin and Linc, I LOVE YOU DEEPLY!
Remember what I have instilled in your hearts and minds.
I WILL wake up from this short rest and be back in the game soon!
It wasn't a game.
8/15/2021: Florida hospital officials are seeing an influx of young, healthy adults filling their wards across the state, many requiring oxygen. In the past week in Florida, 36% of the deaths occurred in the under-65 population, compared with 17% in the same week last year when the state was experiencing a similar COVID surge. Florida is the national leader in coronavirus deaths, averaging more than 150 a day in the past week.
8/14/2021: "She was loved by all of her teachers. She was an honor student, a band student. Everybody says if they had 30 kids in the classroom like her, they have the perfect classroom," said Smith County Schools Superintendent Nick Hillman.
The eighth-grader died early Saturday morning, hours after Mississippi Gov. Tate Reeves downplayed the impact the virus has on kids.
8/10/2021: 'He went downhill so fast': 12-year-old boy in Texas dies after testing positive for COVID-19
Boundary Issue Impaired Trump Voters Die to Prove Loyalty
7/27/2021 Tennessee evangelical pastor demands churchgoers ditch their masks: ‘Don’t believe this delta variant nonsense’, by Jaclyn Peiser, The Washington Post
If “you start showing up [with] all these masks and all this nonsense, I will ask you to leave,” Locke, 45, told scores of Global Vision Bible Church parishioners during his sermon on Sunday. His statement was followed by cheers and applause.
“I am not playing these Democrat games up in this church,” he added.
Tennessee recently reported that 98 percent of people who died of covid and 97 percent of covid hospitalizations are among the unvaccinated.
By JHU stats, yesterday America reached 599,945 Covid deaths. Other accountings say we long ago topped 600,000.
560,000 Dead. Trump Voters Did This to America.
Live Rich, Die Old, Leave a Blood Trail of Nasty-Ass Quotes
3/28/2021 Birx, Who Gushed Over Trump’s Handling of Virus, Now Says He’s Responsible for Hundreds of Thousands Dead,
by Peter Wade, Rolling Stone
Birx: “There were about 100,000 deaths that came from that original surge.
All of the rest of them, in my mind, could have been mitigated or decreased substantially”
Click either of the above two Johns Hopkins charts to make them interactive
Yes, that's 502,594 officially dead of Covid-19
"- dressed in a little brief authority, most ignorant of what he's most assur'd"
2/11/2021 US could have averted 40% of Covid deaths, says panel examining Trump's policies, by Amanda Holpuch, The Guardian U.S.
The US could have averted 40% of the deaths from Covid-19, had the country’s death rates corresponded with the rates in other high-income G7 countries, according to a Lancet commission tasked with assessing Donald Trump’s health policy record.
Almost 470,000 Americans have died from the coronavirus so far, with the number widely expected to go above half a million in the next few weeks. At the same time some 27 million people in the US have been infected. Both figures are by far the highest in the world.
J. F. C.
Choose. Truth.
There. Was. No. Plan.
Wars, Pandemic or Insurrection, Republicans will find a way to kill you dead.
Death doesn't take Sundays off, but some of its statisticians do. Sad that 1800 deaths looks like an improvement.
The numbers speak for themselves. The numberless dead cannot.
Even those as senseless as Trump voters may finally be sensing a pattern
Another Proud Day in the Proud History of Proud Trump Voters
Another proud moment for Trump's proud voters. A record breaking cull.
Trump is playing golf. Pence is sking. 1 million of the promised 20 million vaccinations have happened.
Death Reporting Takes a Holiday
Hate if You Love Trump
Through Trump's Hate, Darkness
There ought to be words
Where are the words?
This is 47 times as many as were murdered in the 2017 Las Vegas bump stock shooting rampage.
A Good Trumper is a Trumper Who Stays Trumped.
But you're worrying about the imaginary rigged election, right?!!
"A Good Sucker is a Sucker Who Stays Stupid."
'Owning the libruls' with a Mass Casualty Event every day.
For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, but lose his own soul?
Mark 8:36 KJV
"Send not to know for whom these losers died. They died for Donald J. Trump."
Were they as proud to die for Trump as Trump voters were willing to hate?
2,534 died December 8th
My Aunt Millie's boyfriend was one of these deaths.
In 22 days, ~1.8% of this day's 215,586 new cases -
3,881 more men and women, boys and girls, grandmothers and grandfathers, mothers and fathers, brothers and sisters, aunts and uncles, cousins and nieces and nephews - will have died.
A CoronaViral Advent Calendar
At last estimate, the 22 day lagged case fatality rate was 1.8%
11/19/2020 How Many Americans Are About to Die? by Alexis D. Madrigal and Whet Moser, The Atlantic
A new analysis shows that the country is on track to pass spring’s grimmest record.
The chart you're looking at is as simple as it is disturbing. It shows that, as we should expect, far fewer people are dying, per reported cases, than in the early days of the pandemic. But on the chart below, look at August, where much of the published research on death rates ends. The improvement stops.
The numbers in the first week of August are not much different from the numbers in the first week of November. By Bedford’s method, the lagged case-fatality rate has averaged 1.8 percent since August.
This should be an extremely urgent signal that the U.S. response to COVID-19 has put the country on a dangerous track.
- These estimates were prepared by Trevor Bedford, a genomic epidemiologist at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, in Seattle, using data from the COVID Tracking Project at The Atlantic, which compiles the cases and deaths that states report. They were then independently analyzed by the forecasting expert Ryan Tibshirani at the Delphi Group at Carnegie Mellon, which works closely with the CDC on disease modeling. If we look back over the past several months, the method Bedford used has proved more accurate than other means of forecasting near-term deaths.